Search Consumer Complaints

Search by business name.

Enter the business name to search for consumer complaints they're the primary subject of. This is typically the property owner or tenant. Clicking a complaint number from the results list will take you to that complaint's detailed information.

Business Name

Search by street name or address.

Enter the street name or numerical address to search for related Consumer Protection complaints. Clicking a complaint number from the results list will take you to that complaint's detailed information.

Street Address

Search for a specific complaint number.

Valid complaint numbers are in the format of eight numbers prefixed by CP. If the complaint exists, you'll be taken directly to that complaint's detailed information.

Complaint Number

Unexpected Search Results?

There are times where a complaint may exist against a business, however the address or name is incorrect or has not yet been attached to the complaint. This is an occasional occurrence when a complaint is received by the department, but some information ma be unknown or incorrect. If you are not finding the results you expected please call Consumer & Veterans Servicesopen_in_new at 813-635-8316 for additional assistance.